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The important position of coating equipment

Date of issue:2021-05-20 Author: Click:

The important position of home appliance coating equipment

With the advancement of the times and the development of science and technology, people have become more and more dependent on and more abundant mechanical products used in their lives.

It is said that people cannot judge people by their appearance, but in real life, the Appearance Association still occupies the vast majority. It is the same for people and the products used by people are the same. Therefore, a large part of the sales performance of a product depends on industrial products. Appearance. The appearance of industrial products depends on good coating equipment and superb spraying technology. Automatic coating equipment is an indispensable guarantee to ensure the good appearance of mechanical products, and coating equipment is an important part of protecting the appearance of mechanical products. The excellence of automatic coating equipment has a very important impact on product sales.

The exquisite appearance of mechanical products is almost the main reason for product users to buy or not. The aging and obsolete appearance of mechanical products represent that the product cannot be used normally. The speed of product aging is almost directly related to the quality of product surface spraying, so spraying equipment has a very important impact on the service life of the product.

Compared with developed countries, my country's coating equipment technology is still far away. Our coating equipment industry was imported from the Soviet Union in the 1950s. With the reform and opening up, my country’s economy has developed rapidly. Through the introduction and exchange of foreign technology, my country’s coating technology has also developed by leaps and bounds. The application of electrostatic spraying and electrophoresis spraying has allowed the rapid development of my country’s hardware, home appliances, furniture, electrical appliances and automobiles. , Which also makes our coating equipment technology and practical operating experience have made great progress.

Reform and opening up is the opening of the economy, the opening of technology, and even more the opening of concepts. Now our country has gradually become a powerful country in the world economy. Advanced coating equipment has made a great contribution to my country's economic development. The export volume of my country's industrial machinery products is increasing, and coating equipment has an indelible contribution.

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